Workbook Content

Take a peek inside to see what you will find in the Dynamic Stuttering Workbook.

Each unit is packed with activities that are designed to bring people who stutter on an exciting journey that shows them the why, what and how of speaking naturally. The goals of each unit is clearly defined so that, if you choose, you will be able to create other activities as well that will lead you to be where you need to be at each stage in the process of change.

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Unit 1 - The Dynamic Process of Speaking

To gain a general understanding of the normal processes of speech productionActivity 1: Obtaining a speech sample
To gain awareness of how the system generates stuttered speechActivity 2: Exploring how you produce speech
To become aware of your readiness to change the way you generate speech Activity 3: Deciding if you are ready for the process of change
Activity 4: Exploring thoughts that prevent change

Unit 2 - Internal Speech

To experience automatically formulated internal speechActivity 1: Developing awareness of your internal speech
To focus on internal speech when speaking aloud Activity 2: Speaking silently
To allow articulation to automatically reflect internal speechActivity 3: Formulating internal speech silently and aloud
To reduce speech related avoidance behaviorsActivity 4: Identifying avoidance behaviors
To talk openly about the subject of stutteringActivity 5: Talking about stuttering

Unit 3 - Discovering Your Voice

To experience your natural voiceActivity 1: Exploring how you create a speaking voice
To focus internally on sending energy to your vocal folds Activity 2: Generating a speaking voice with ease

To generate your voice as an isolated activity
Activity 3: Focusing internally to generate your voice
To allow your voice to reflect the intonation pattern of your internal speech Activity 4: Generating voice while doing other things
To develop a new mindset as a speakerActivity 5: Changing the tone of your voice
Activity 6: Developing a new mindset as a speaker

Unit 4 - Speech Is Sound

To develop your awareness that speech is a progression of syllablesActivity 1: Generating single and connected syllables
To understand the acoustic nature of syllablesActivity 2: Generating syllables in reading and speaking
To generate syllables as an impulse to the voiceActivity 3: Producing one syllable at a time
To use syllables as the unit for generating speechActivity 4: Building spontaneous speech as a progression of syllables
To understand how various factors result in stuttered speechActivity 5: Analyzing how various factors result in stuttering

Unit 5 - Developing Ideas

To focus on thoughts, including imagination, memory, and knowledge when generating speechActivity 1: Using imagination to generate speech
To formulate all aspects of language automaticallyActivity 2: Concentrating on visual images
To send energy to the vocal folds while developing thoughts Activity 3: Concentrating on images in the mind's eye
To begin using the new speech production process in various speaking situationsActivity 4: Developing ideas spontaneously
To build a self-image of a person who is able to speak with easeActivity 5: Spontaneous conversations
To become aware of your progressActivity 6: Broadening your circles of communication
Activity 7: Building your self-image as a speaker
Activity 8: Analyzing your progress

Unit 6 - Putting It All Together

To use parallel processing of all system functions Activity 1: Practicing in steps
To get used to focusing on thoughts and ideasActivity 2: Pretending to be a ventriloquist
To let go of control over language formulationActivity 3: Simultaneous writing and speaking
To get used to making vowels as an impulse to the voiceActivity 4: The pros and cons of change
To get used to letting your mouth move automaticallyActivity 5: Finding solutions to problems
To weigh the value of changing the way you generate speech
To develop the ability to solve problems

Unit 7 - Adapting To the New Speech Process

To gain more experience in using your speech generating system the new wayActivity 1: More experience in reading
To gain confidence in your ability to speak automaticallyActivity 2: More experience in spontaneous speech
To self-correct errors with ease Activity 3: Developing the neural network for fluent speech
To make a commitment to adopt the new way of speaking in your lifeActivity 4: Making a commitment for change
To think rationally about the speaking experienceActivity 5: Approaching the speaking experience rationally
To find ways to reinforce your effortsActivity 6: Rewarding change

Unit 8 - Building for the Future

To use your new way generating speech in a variety of situationsActivity 1: Telephone talk
To make a realistic appraisal of the progress you have madeActivity 2: Face to face talking
To make your new way of speaking a habitActivity 3: Building a new habit
To set goals for the futureActivity 4: Continuing to analyze your progress
To help yourself by promoting an understanding of stutteringActivity 5: Promoting an understanding of stuttering
To realize that you can continue the therapy process during your lifeActivity 6: Maintaining achievements
To explore ways of strengthening and maintaining achievements

For more information, purchase the workbook by clicking here

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