A look at Stuttering Therapy Online – a seven-part series
Please join us every Wednesday for the next three weeks as we examine the unique aspects of treating stuttering with online therapy.
This week’s focus – the appropriate population for teletherapy
At Stuttering Online Therapy, I treat people who stutter from approximately 14 years through adult. When treating children under age 18, I require an online consultation with parents or legal guardians before beginning therapy and at intervals during the therapy process. Parents are invited to sit in the room with their child to learn the treatment principles. This allows them to offer support and assistance between sessions and throughout the self-help phase of therapy.
People who participate in therapy must have a working knowledge of English or Hebrew. Some clients have a different native language. Therefore, some of the basic exercises are practiced in languages that I do not understand. This does not present a problem because achievement of the Dynamic Stuttering Therapy goals is not language dependent. I can identify speech processing in any language. Later in treatment clients often speak in their native language with family or friends who sit in on sessions.
Last week: Technical Requirements
Coming next week: Participation Procedures