
July 3, 2016

Relapse After Stuttering Therapy

A common complaint of people who have undergone stuttering treatment is that the results don’t last. This complaint relates to many other conditions, such as weight loss, anger management, addictions and so forth, and is discussed in a wonderful book, Changing […]
July 3, 2016

A new concept of stuttering

For the past 60-70 years treatments for stuttering have been based on the concept that stuttering is an uncontrollable thing that happens to people. This “thing” is often described as repetitions, prolongations and blocks that stop the forward flow of […]
July 3, 2016

Controversy at the convention

The National Stuttering Association Convention in Cleveland, Ohio is over. Approximately 600 people attended. Most of the participants were adults and children who stutter and their families. There were also clinicians who stutter and a few like me – clinicians who were […]
July 3, 2016

Acceptance or Speech Techniques

At the recent National Stuttering Association convention, there were many conversations revolving around the conflict that people who stutter often experience. It is whether to use “speech tools” or accept oneself as a person who will always stutter. When I […]