
June 30, 2016

Sharing Stories – Changing Perceptions – 14th Annual International Stuttering Awareness Day

The Fourteenth International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD), Online Conference, hosted by Judith Kuster, professor emeritus, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota has begun. This year’s conference, Sharing Stories – Changing Perceptions is freely available live until October 22nd. The conference is linked to […]
June 30, 2016

Why Don’t I Stutter With My Dog?

Have you ever wondered why you speak much more fluently when you are talking to yourself or to babies and animals? Aside from making you curious, the inconsistency in your ability to speak in different situations has probably caused a […]
June 30, 2016

Why Don’t People Stutter When They Sing?

One of the enigmas about stuttering is that most people who stutter when talking don’t stutter when singing. Actually, it is often thought that no one stutters when they sing, but I have observed a few exceptions. Of the thousands […]
June 30, 2016

Why Is It So Difficult to Transfer Fluency: Part 1

Why is it so difficult to transfer speech fluency outside of the therapy room? This is a question that has troubled SLP’s and clients alike to this day. However, the answer is actually so simple that it can be summed […]