
November 3, 2022

Is Stuttering Curable?

The question many people ask:  Is stuttering curable?? The answer is that the concept of cure does not apply to stuttering. The time has come to stop looking for a cure that will make stuttering disappear, because the idea that […]
September 18, 2022

The Thought of Stuttering

Thoughts have power! They are the energy that propels us through life. Our self-esteem is driven by our thoughts about ourselves. I once worked with a young man who, in addition to stuttering, was born with a deformed spine and […]
February 23, 2022

3 Different Ways to Look at Stuttering

There are different ways of looking at stuttering. Some people see stuttering as problem that has to be fixed. From this point of view, a person who stutters should have one goal – to be fluent. If you’re a person […]