Don’t Hide Your Stutter – Learn to Speak Freely

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Don’t Hide Your Stutter – Learn to Speak Freely

Almost everyone who stutters has had others mock or ridicule them. As a result, many people who stutter try to hide their stutter.stop hiding your stutter Generally, these people avoid unnecessary and sometimes even necessary talk. They’ll choose to text instead of calling or to point to an item on a restaurant menu instead of placing their order directly. They’ll switch a word with a difficult sound for one that is less likely to cause a repetition or block. This is called covert stuttering, and while it can prevent teasing or uncomfortable situations, it is not without its own pitfalls.

Pitfalls of Covert Stuttering

There are a number of issues which can arise with covert stuttering. Since one of the hallmarks of stuttering is too much control, adding even more control to one’s speech can aggravate stuttering. Additionally, people need to communicate. It’s extremely difficult to have a conversation while focused on the sounds in each upcoming word. The stress of avoiding blocks and repetitions can make a simple discussion feel like going to war with words.

What Can I Do Instead?

Speaking freely may seem like a pipe dream, but it is possible. Dynamic Stuttering Therapy can teach you to produce speech fluently without changing words, controlling sounds, or avoiding conversations. Instead, Dynamic Stuttering Therapy teaches you to use your whole speech system – brain, mouth, larynx, in a way that results in fluent speaking. It also helps you to think in a way that supports your ability to speak naturally in all situations.

Image by user ragnarokr on flickr


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Begin your path to fluency. Schedule your personal assessment at no cost with Barbara Dahm.