I love dates with special numbers. I guess I’m not alone, because wedding halls got a lot of business on 11/11/11. That’s why I’m so excited about the year 2020. It seems like such a cool number with a lot of meaning.
20/20 is a way of expressing visual acuity. Literally, it means that a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 20 feet. So, it’s great to have 20/20 vision.
Stuttering can be so frustrating whether you accept stuttering as something you will always do, or take steps to speak more fluently. The reason is that the way people perceive stuttering is clouded by the general public’s inaccurate understanding of what stuttering is and how one can transform speaking into a flowing experience.
The way you look at stuttering will make such a difference to the quality of your life. Therefore, I want to point out some of the ways that you can develop 20/20 vision in 2020 for stuttering.
I hope that in the coming year your vision of stuttering and of the person who is you will be clear and help make this a wonderful year for you.